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0330 Telephone Numbers
0330 Telephone Numbers
Divert to Landline

0330 number to landline divert allows you to change the land line where your non geographic number (0800, 0845, 01/02, 03, 0871/0844) is delivering calls to - usually required when moving office or when you wish to forward 0330 calls to another land line. If you plan to re-divert often, you should consider using our Dial-In Plan Switcher or Unlimited Routing services.

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What is Divert to Landline?

Divert to UK Landline is a standard service which allows you to change the termination number for your Non Geographic Number (0800, 0845, 01/02, 03, 0871/0844), usually required when changing an office. If you plan to re-divert often, we advise you to consider the Unlimited Routing or Dial-In Plan Switcher service.

0330 diversion to landline simply means that your 0330 number is diverted to (pointed at / forwarded to) any other UK landline number. For example, you could forward calls from any of our numbers to your office landline.

How to order Divert to UK Landline service:

To order the Divert to UK Landline service for your Non-Geographic Number:

  1. Go to "My Account" section of the website
  2. Click on the "Divert to UK Landline" link from the left menu under the title "SIMPLE RE-DIVERSION"
  3. Choose the number or numbers for which you wish to order the Divert to UK Landline service
  4. Follow the on screen instructions

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